The Love of Silence
Dark Matter makes up most of our universe, and we know almost nothing about it. Silence makes up much of our everyday and our every night time, and we know almost nothing about it either.
In Gathered Silence we listen to each other without speaking a word. This is ‘The still point of the turning world’ (T S Eliot, Burnt Norton). And this is the dwelling place of Love, like the dark matter and the silence, flowing between us and within us, between and within all that is. Nourishing us all and the world of which we are a part.
A Narrative of Love
I am working with colleagues here in the UK and in China and America to create A Narrative of Love which explores the ways in which Love has been expressed and practised in Western philosophy and in the great spiritual traditions of all time, how Love has been lost and how Love might be recovered.
The Harmony Institute
As a Harmony Professor of Practice at the University of Wales Trinity St David’s Harmony Institute, I am working with colleagues to explore how principles of Harmony can be integrated into every part of the University and shared with scholars and students throughout the world.
Harmony and Education
The Harmony Project envisions a way of learning to live that is based upon a deep understanding of – and connection to – the natural world. The Project works with educators to help them put Nature’s principles of Harmony at the heart of teaching and learning.
Gathered Silence
This is new work, and I am only just beginning. But somehow I know that much of what we are looking for lies in the Silence of Love. Can only be found there. And so I am interested in the practice of Gathered Silence, finding opportunities to experience it and share it with others and with myself.
Here are a selection of books and articles I have written.

The Still Point
Love and Silence

Love & The Divine Feminine
The Myth of Love
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