A book by David Cadman

Hardcover: 273 Pages
Publisher: Peter Lang Publishing Inc; New edition (13 Dec. 2015)
Language: English
What is ‘Why Love Matters’?
I coedited this book of essays with my colleague Scherto Gill. As our current systems of decision-making are increasingly unable to meet the global challenges of the climate emergency, resource depletion, poverty, healthcare, economic instability and global violence, the contributors to this book make a radical proposal for an innovative form of governance that is based on core human values such love, compassion, care, justice and dignity. Arising from a concern that the ‘old paradigm’ of alienation, consumerism, selfishness and exploitation is damaging for humankind and the family of Earth, the book proposes that a new way of being must urgently be put in place so that intrinsic values of caring for others underpin the intent of our decisions at personal, regional, national, international and global levels.
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We take ‘Love’ with a capital ‘L’ to be a fundamental shaping principle. It is the thread, the pulse, the ordering principle that gives shape to, and is experienced by, all that is. Love is present in every relationship and connection, however close or far away. It is only by dwelling in Love that we can be who we truly are. We cannot continue as one humanity without Love and we certainly cannot flourish together without Love. Compassion is Love in action, the practice and virtue of kindness, respect, care, and justice for oneself and for others. Love is a wholesome care for the deepest humanity, which is to say that it recognises the importance of relationship and interconnectedness, the importance of being ‘a part of’ rather than ‘a part from’.
Edited by Scherto Gill and David Cadman
About David Cadman
David Cadman's work is centred upon teachings of love and compassion, wholeness and connectivity. For many years David held professorial titles or fellowships in universities both in the UK and America. He is currently a Harmony Professor of Practice at the University of Wales Trinity St David, where he is exploring principles of Harmony in Education, in Food and Farming, in Wellbeing, and in Business and the Economy. Together with his colleague Scherto Gill and colleagues in China and America, he is presently involved in a research project titled ‘A Narrative of Love’. Formerly Chairman of The King's Foundation and a Trustee of the Prince’s School of traditional Arts, he is Harmony Adviser to The King's Foundation based at Dumfries House in Scotland.
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